
DEM 128064B SYH-PY Product Specification
Version:4.1.1 PAGE:12
9-3. Display Data Memory Page and the Page Address Register
Table 6 The setting of the control bus for programming the Page Address Register
0 0
Table 7 The setting of the data bus for programming the Page Address Register
D7(MSB) D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0(LSB)
1 0 1 1 1 A2 A1 A0
A2, A1and A0 are page address bits and can be programmed with a value in the range from 0 to 7. A2 A1 A0=000 selects
Page 0; A2 A1 A0=001 selects Page 1; A2 A1 A0=010 selects Page 2, and A2 A1 A0=011 selects Page 3...etc.
Therefore, the code can be from 1011 1000 (B8 Hex) to 1011 1111 (BF Hex).
9-4. Column address and the Column Address Register
Table 8 The setting of the control bus for programming the Column Address Register
0 0
Table 9 The setting of the data bus for programming the Column Address Register
D7(MSB) D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0(LSB)
0 1 A5 A4 A3 A2 A1 A0
A5~A0 are column address bits and can be programmed with a value in the range from 0 to 63. Therefore, the code can
be from 0100 0000 (40 Hex) to 0111 1111 (7F Hex).
9-5. Status Read and Status Register
Table 10 The setting of the control bus for reading the Status Register
0 1
Table 11 The Status Register bit allocation
D7(MSB) D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0(LSB)
Table 12 The Status Register bit description
Bit Description
BUSY BUSY=1 indicates that the SBN0064G is currently busy and can not accept new code or data. The
SBN0064G is executing an internal operation.
BUSY=0 indicates that the SBN0064G is not busy and is ready to accept new code or data.
ON/OFF The ON/OFF bit indicates the current of status of display.
If ON/OFF=0, the display has been turned ON.
If ON/OFF=1, the display has been turned OFF.
Note that the polarity of this bit is inverse to that of the Display ON/OFF Register.
RESET RESET=1 indicates that the SBN0064G is currently in the process of being reset.
RESET=0 indicates that the SBN0064G is currently in normal operation.