User Manual

wall anchors are used and at
least one is located into a stud.
6. Remove fireplace from wall
and store in a safe place away
from traffic.
7. Screw all four (4) supplied #8,
3.8 cm square head mounting
screws and washers into
the wall and/or wall anchors
leaving 6.5 mm of thread.
8. Align chosen key-holes with
screws and hang replace
on the wall. Screw heads
and washers will t through
keyholes and replace will
slide down into place (screws
will slide into narrow part of
9. Tighten all four (4) mounting
screws down on replace
10. Screw the two (2) supplied
#8 square head screws
through two of the permanent
mounting holes which align
with a wall stud.
11. Carefully replace and install
partially reflective glass and
glass brackets using screws
from step 1.
12. Refer to Front Glass
Installation section, for nal
installation procedures.
pressure on the partially
reective glass, tilt the
replace upright and slightly
forward to allow the partially
reective glass to fall out of
the inside framing.
Remove partially reective
glass from replace.
4. Position the replace on a wall
at the position where it will be
mounted (Figure 3). Use a
bubble level (one is supplied)
to ensure that replace is level
on the wall.
5. Mark the location of four (4)
screw locations on the wall
(through key-holes).
CAUTION: If installing unit on
a wall that is constructed of
drywall ensure that appropriate
Fireplace Installation
Figure 3
Wall stud
mounting hole