User Manual

Owner's Manual
Pitch Correction
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Pitch Correction is used to correct notes which are sung slightly out of pitch. For
example, if you’re singing a C, and it’s a little at (but not quite B), pitch correction
alters the note so that a more precise C is heard through the sound system.
Available parameter:
CORRECT (0-99)
This parameter adjusts how much pitch correction will occur, with 0 being the
minimum (no effect) and 99 being the maximum.
To dial in Pitch Correction:
1. Sing into the microphone (or use the Sound Check feature, see "Sound Check"
on page 14) and raise the CORRECT parameter until the effect becomes just
a little too noticeable.
2. Now back it off slightly until a more natural sound is achieved.
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Ambience adds a subtle “sense of space” to your vocal sound, without pushing it
back in the mix or standing out as an effect like reverb typically can. Think of the
Ambience effect as the initial “early reections” of a small space.
Available parameter:
AMBNCE (0-99)
This parameter adjusts how much of the Ambience effect will be added to
your vocals, with 0 being the minimum (no effect) and 99 being the maximum.
To dial in the Ambience effect:
1. Sing into the microphone (or use the Sound Check feature, see "Sound Check"
on page 14) and raise this parameter until the desired amount of ambience is
achieved. For best results, set the AMBNCE parameter so that you just begin to
hear the effect.
NOTE: Ambience and Reverb interact with one another so that when the Reverb
level is louder, Ambience is effectively not heard. When Reverb level is very low or
the Reverb effect is off, the Ambience effect becomes more prominent.