User Manual

A phaser splits the incoming signal, and then changes the phasing of the signal. This signal is then taken in and out of phase
and mixed back in with the original signal. As the phasing changes, dierent frequencies get canceled resulng in a warm sort
of twisng sound. The available phaser pedals are:
•A Phase
(Modeled after MXR
Phase 100)
Another industry standard in phase pedals with its own unique tones.
It has a simplisc 2 knob control panel (Intensity and Speed). Along
with the speed control that controls the speed of the Phase sweep,
the Intensity knob selects four dierent intensies, dened as preset
waveform paerns. Between the intensity and speed sengs, you’ll
nd quite a supply of excellent sounds!
•DigiTech Phaser
This phaser will give you the standard phaser tone and opons for
controlling it via the Speed, Depth, Regeneraon, and Level sengs.
•DigiTech Triggered Phaser
Like the Triggered Chorus, you can set the threshold of the sensivity
knob to dictate how loud the guitar signal must be before the phaser
will be triggered. Then using the LFO Start knob, you can set where in
the range of the phaser you would like it to start from.
•Stone Phase
(Modeled after Electro-Harmonix
Small Stone
The Small Stone’s full-bodied, 3-dimensional phasing adds a special
swirl to every musical style. Blues players dig its rapidly rotang speaker
eect while Country players use it to add seasoning to their chicken’
pickin’. Metal-heads and Industrialists dig the Stone’s jet plane woosh.
Its simplisc 2 knob control panel (Rate and Color) make it easier to
dial in a quick phaser tone that will be just right for you!
Pedals – PhasersPedals – Phasers