User Manual

The amplies in the iPB-10 are an assortment of popular vintage and modern amp tones. The ampliers also include two
acousc guitar simulators. The available amps and preamps are:
•45 JTM
(Modeled after ‘65 Marshall
Perhaps the turning point for blues and rock and roll, this amp set
the course for the future of Marshall
amps. It started the crunch”
revoluon, turning up on classic songs from AC/DC and most notably
the Bluesbreakers “Beano” album featuring Eric Clapton.
•68 Plexi
(Modeled after ‘68 Marshall 100 Watt Super Lead (plexi))
This is undoubtedly the amp that changed rock and roll. It is a
benchmark for many of the greatest guitar sounds ever heard. From
Hendrix to Van Halen, this amp is the real deal.
•800 JCM
(Modeled after ‘83 Marshall JCM800)
The amp that dened many of the metal sounds of the 80’s is sll one
of the most highly respected Marshall
amps ever made.
•900 JCM
(Modeled after ‘93 Marshall JCM900)
Incorporang a diode clipping stage, this amp gives you more gain
than you can shake a sck at.
•2000 JCM
(Modeled after ‘01 Marshall JCM2000 (Solo Channel))
The TSL100 is a superb tone with tons of sustain for grinding ris or
singing solos.
•Bass Man
(Modeled after ‘59 Fender
Tweed Bassman
This classic really roars with lots of boom end. Great for blues ris
but equally great for driving rock and roll rhythm guitar parts.
•Brown Bass Man
(Modeled after ‘62 Fender Brownface Bassman
From the era of the rst tolex covered Fender
amps, this parcular
amp was used on the classic Hendrix song “Voodoo Child”.
•British 15
(Modeled after ‘62 Vox
The rst great Vox
amp. A single 12” version of its more famous 30
Wa big brother, this amp has much of the same character to oer.
•British 30
(Modeled after ‘63 Vox AC30 Top Boost)
The quintessenal amp that dened both Brian Mays and Edge’s
sound. Just crank this amp up and get some of the most awesome
growl you will ever hear from an amp.
•Caliber 22
(Modeled after ’86 Mesa Boogie
.22 Caliber)
A monster lile combo with the classic Boogie Mark tone.