User`s guide

Frame Types In the NetWare Environment
The NetWare V3.x file servers use the Novell IEEE 802.3 frame type by default. In a
NetWare environment, the NIC first checks for this frame type. If the NIC finds a frame
of this type, it uses that frame type for its NetWare communication.
If the NIC does not detect a Novell IEEE 802.3 frame type, it looks for other frame types
in the following order:
1. Ethernet_II
2. IEEE 802.2 SNAP on 802.3
3. IEEE 802.2
When the NIC succeeds in finding a frame of the type it is searching for, it uses that frame
type for all of its communication on that network protocol.
If you are using more than one protocol, Digital recommends that you do not set up file
servers to use the Novell IEEE 802.3 frame type. Also, Digital recommends that you
select and use only one type of frame type for the NetWare protocol.
Using the Control Panel to Enable Status Pages
In previous versions of the NIC firmware, you used the NPmanage utility to enable/disable
the NIC Status page. In the current version, you can also use the printer’s Control Panel to
disable the NIC Status page. The Control Panel function Do Start Page (on the
Miscellaneous menu) now controls both the printer’s Start-Up page and the NIC Status
page. When you disable the printer’s Start-Up page, you also disable the NIC Status page.
You can also enable a disabled page from the Control Panel.