
A.2 Key Menu Messages
SER: DTR polarity
DTR is a standard data communication signal name for the data terminal
ready signal. The DTR= high and DTR= low value prompts must match the
DTR values of the attached host or modem.
SER: Flow control
The XON/XOFF selection must match that of the attached host or modem.
When this feature is selected, the following values appear:
FLOW= 1-way XON
SER: I/O Timeout
When the time exceeds the selected value, the printer stops waiting for data,
gives up on the job, and searches the other ports for data. This timeout period
can compensate for a busy network or host system. The following value are
available under this selection:
TIME= 10 seconds
TIME= 30 seconds
TIME= 60 seconds
SER: Interpreter
When this feature is selected, the following values appear. The identical values
are shown for the parallel (PAR) and LocalTalk (LOC) interpreters features.
The selection sets either the PostScript or PCL interpreters or allows automatic
interpreter detection to select:
PostScript or PCL.
INT= PostScript
INT= Automatic
SER: Mode
The Mode= EIA-232 or Mode= EIA-422 values set the EIA interconnection
standard for the serial port. The selection must match the characteristics of
the transmitting host or modem.
A–18 Key Menu Map, Features, and Values