Hardware manual

AH500 Hardware Manual
1.2 Characteristics
AH500 system
The characteristics of the AH500 series CPU module are as follows.
(1) High efficiency
The AH500 series CPU module adopts a 32-bit high-speed processor. The instructions are executed
at a speed of 0.3 milliseconds per 1K steps. (Fifty percent of the instructions are basic instructions,
and fifty percent of the instructions are applied instructions.)
(2) Supporting more inputs and outputs
The AH500 series CPU module supports up to 4,352 local digital I/O or 512 analog I/O.
A complete AH500 system consists of eight backplanes at most, including a main backplane. Eight I/O
modules at most can be installed on a backplane. Therefore, for the AH500 series CPU, 64 digital
input/output modules at most or 64 analog input/output modules at most can be installed.
Eight remote I/O modules at most can be installed on a main backplane. 128,000 remote digital
inputs/outputs, or 4,000 remote analog inputs/outputs at most are supported.
(3) Multiple I/O modules
The I/O modules supported by the AH500 series CPU module are digital input/output modules, analog
input/output modules, temperature measurement modules, network modules, motion control modules,
and remote I/O modules.
Module Description
Digital input/output
AH16AM10N-5A, AH32AM10N-5A, AH32AM10N-5B, AH32AM10N-5C,
AH64AM10N-5C, AH16AM30N-5A, AH16AN01R-5A, AH16AN01T-5A,
AH16AN01P-5A, AH32AN02T-5A, AH32AN02T-5B, AH32AN02T-5C,
AH32AN02P-5A, AH32AN02P-5B, AH32AN02P-5C, AH64AN02T-5C,
AH64AN02P-5C, AH16AN01S-5A, AH16AP11R-5A, AH16AP11T-5A,
AH16AP11P-5A. and AH16AR10N-5A
Analog input/output
AH04AD-5A, AH08AD-5B, AH08AD-5C, AH04DA-5A, AH08DA-5B,
AH08DA-5C, and AH06XA-5A