User manual

User Manual | DELTAGuard | Description of the Key Components
DIN 25466 (radio-isotope fume cupboards)
Types of fume cupboards 2.405 mm 2.730 mm
Bench mounted fume cupboard
Fume cupboard (Filter on top)
Fume cupboard (Filter next to)
3.4 Operating Range
Every type of fume cupboard has a certain air technical operating range. Within this range the extract air volume
may fluctuate. Relevant specifications are shown on the type labels of the fume cupboards and in the technical
3.5 Fume Cupboard Function Display
According to the DIN EN 14175 each fume cupboard type is equipped with an extract air function display. This
function display is installed at the side of the fume cupboard. Each fume cupboard shows a certain pressure
drop that depends on the extracted air volume. Measurements of a fume cupboard´s pressure drop is usually
made through a differential pressure measurement between the laboratory and the extract air spigot of the la-
boratory. In this case the laboratory fume cupboard represents the streamed obstacle. The measuring outcome
results are indicated by a LED.
Fume cupboard function display Betriebszustand
Display (LED)
green Normal operation
green, flashing Extract air volume too high
yellow, flashing
Sash above 500 mm opening height
Extract air volume too low
red, flashing
Power failure
green, flashing Due for maintenance
An additional turn-off warning signal is released.