Administrator Guide

Using Unified Write Filter
About this task
To configure thin client devices using UWF, do the following:
1. Log in as an administrator.
If automatic login to a user desktop is enabled, log off from the user desktop and log in as an administrator.
2. To disable the Unified Write Filter, double-click the Dell Wyse WF Disable icon on the desktop.
This icon disables the filter and reboots the system.
3. Configure the thin client device as per your requirements.
4. After you configure the thin client device, to enable the Unified Write Filter, double-click the Dell Wyse WF Enable icon on the
This icon enables the filter and reboots the system. Your configurations on the thin client device are now saved, and they persist after
you reboot the thin client.
Next steps
After system start-up, the Unified Write Filter (UWF) utility starts automatically.
You can add specific files or folders on a protected volume to a file exclusion list to exclude those files and folders from being filtered by
UWF. When a file or folder is in the exclusion list for a volume, all writes to that file or folder bypass UWF filtering, and are written directly
to the protected volume and persist after the device restarts.
You must log in as an administrator to add or remove file or folder exclusions during run time, and you must restart the device for new
exclusions to take effect.
Running Unified Write Filter command–line options
There are several command lines you can use to control the Unified Write Filter. Command–line arguments cannot be combined.
Use the following guidelines for the command–line option for the Unified Write Filter. You can also use the commands if you open the
command prompt window with elevated privilege by entering command in the Run box.
Table 5. Running Unified Write Filter command–line options
Command-line options Description
This command-line tool configures and retrieves settings for
Unified Write Filter (UWF). If there are no command-line options
available, it displays the command help.
uwfmgr filter enable
This command-line enables the Unified Write Filter after the next
system restart. The Unified Write Filter status icon is green when
the Unified Write Filter is enabled.
uwfmgr filter disable
This command-line option disables the Unified Write Filter after the
next system restart. The Unified Write Filter status icon remains
red while disabled.
uwfmgr file commit C: <file_path>
This command-line commits changes to a specified file to overlay
for a Unified Write Filter-protected volume. Administrator-level
permissions are required to use this command.
The <file> parameter must be fully qualified, including the volume
and path. uwfmgr.exe uses the volume specified in
the <file> parameter to determine which volume contains the file
exclusion list for the file. There is a single space between volume
name and file_path. For example, to commit a file C:\Program
Files\temp.txt the command would be uwfmgr commit
C: \Program Files\temp.txt.
Additional administrator utility and settings information 37