Release Notes
Issue no Issue description
LS-103 The add-on is listed twice in the remove addon list.
LS-109 If IPV6 congured with INI, Network UI does not reect with changes.
LS-121 Maximized Resolution does not work if Browser Connection is created with INI.
LS-125 System setting not updated when switch to admin mode through the Keyboard shortcuts.
Known issues
Table 50. Known issues
Summary Work around
Export and Import conguration using Http and https is not
working from system setting UI.
You can congure FTP protocol to use this function.
Unable to perform rmware upgrade through WCM, its creating
WMS: Force base system update in the client is by default setting
to o in the Update settings even after making ON using WMS App
Sporadically smart card is not getting detected while launching the
VMWare session
Disconnect the smart card and connect it to the dierent version of
USB ports, that is if disconnected from 3.0, then connect to 2.0
Citrix 13.5–Certication: HDX Multimonitor Task Bar not visible—
Grey Band appears.
Unable to set custom info parameter from the WMS server. NA
Unable to image with merlinUpdate.URLthrough anonymous user
showing as access denied in the cached_update.log le.
Under system settings, all the Menu names may convert to invalid
names and are displayed inside braces when we uninstall and install
Wireless: Wireless connection is not creating through INI
parameters for the security type WEP - 64 bit and 128 bit.
When unplug network cable, the RDP session is getting
disconnected after 1 minute even if we specify as 120 seconds in
Socket Recv Timeout.
ThinLinux: Unable to connect citrix server when we set browser
protocol as Use Default in ThinLinux.
In BIOS, Power Loss Recovery to Last State is not working when
we do a hard power o using power button.
ThinLinux v1.0.6 49