Concept Guide

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952| show ap arm client-match history Dell Networking W-Series ArubaOS 6.5.x| Reference Guide
Parameter Description
l Sticky: A mobile roaming client was staying associated (sticking) to a sub-
optimal AP for too long.
l Band steer: A dual-band capable client was steered toward a 5Ghz radio
on a dual-band AP.
l Band Balance: A dual-band capable client was steered toward a different
radio to balance the load between the two radios on a single AP.
l Load Balance: Client match moved the client to a different AP, based upon
the load on APs in the client's RFneighborhood, and the SNR levels the
client detected from each underutilized AP.
The status, roam time, and mode of client steering using Client Match.
Signal (S/T/A)
The output of this column shows the following values:
l S: Radio signal strength of the source AP
l T: Radio signal strength of the target AP
l A: Radio signal strength of the AP that the client is actually associated to
Band (S/T/A)
The output of this column shows the following values:
l S: Radio frequency band of the source AP (e.g. 2.4GHz and 5GHz)
l T: Radio frequency band of the target AP
l A: Radio frequency band of the AP that the client is actually associated to
Radio BSSID (S/T/A)
The output of this column shows the following values:
l S: MAC address of the source AP radio
l T: MAC address of the target AP radio
l A: MAC address of the AP radio that the client is actually associated to
APName (S/T/A)
The output of this column shows the following values:
l S: Name of the source AP
l T: Name of the target AP
l A: Name of the AP that the client is actually associated to
The advanced command provides additional information on the Client Match history.
(host) #show ap arm client-match history advanced
S: Source, T: Target, A: Actual
Unit of Roam Time: second
Unit of Eff_Signal, Signal, EIRP: dBm
ARM Client match History
Time of Change Station Reason Status/Roam Time Eff_Signal(S/T/A)
Signal(S/T/A) EIRP(S/T/A) Band(S/T/A) Radio Bssid(S/T/A)
AP Name(S/T/A) Essid(S/A)
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