Concept Guide

Table Of Contents
Parameter Description
Specify the new name of the copied startup configuration file.
Using TFTP, copy the startup configuration to a TFTP server
Specify the IP address or hostname of the TFTP server.
Copy the specified system partition
Disk partition from which to copy the system data, as either 0 or 1.
Disk partition to copy the system data to, as either 0 or 1.
Copy a file from the specified TFTP server to either the controller or
another destination. This command is typically used when performing a
system restoration, or to pull a specified file name into the wms
Specify the IP address or hostname of the TFTP server.
Full name of the file to be copied.
Copy the file to the flash file system
Specify the new name of the copied file.
Copy the file to the system partition.
Copy a file from an attached USBdevice to the flash file system.
Specify the partition on the USBdevice.
Full name of the file to be copied.
Copy the file to the flash file system
Specify the new name of the copied file.
Passwords Secured During FTP Copy
Password are masked when using FTP to copy a file to a remote system. In previous releases, the password was
entered in clear text at the end of the copy command. Starting with ArubaOS, the password is masked,
and must be entered in a separate line. If you use scripts to copy files from controllers, scripts used on
controllers running previous releases of ArubaOS must be modified to support this new password behavior.
Old syntax:
(host) #copy running-config ftp: <ftphost> <user> <password> <filename>
New syntax:
(host) #copy running-config ftp: <ftphost> <user> <filename>
Password: <password>
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