Users Guide

Code Country Name
SV El Salvador
TH Thailand
TN Tunisia
TR Turkey
TT Trinidad and Tobago
TW Taiwan
UA Ukraine
US United States
UY Uruguay
VE Venezuela
VN Vietnam
ZA South Africa
Specifying Country Code
This procedure is applicable to the W-IAP-RW (Rest of World) variants only. Skip this step if you are installing W-
IAP in the United States and Japan.
The Country Code window is displayed for the W-IAP-RW (Rest of World) variants when you log in to the UI for the
first time. You can specify a country code by selecting an appropriate option from the Please Specify the Country
Code drop-down list.
Figure 2 Specifying a Country Code
For the complete list of the country codes supported by the W-IAP-RW variant type, see Country Code on page 38.
Accessing the Instant CLI
Instant supports the use of Command Line Interface (CLI) for scripting purposes. When you make configuration
changes on a master W-IAP in the CLI, all associated W-IAPs in the cluster inherit these changes and subsequently
update their configurations. By default, you can access the CLI from the serial port or from an SSH session. You
must explicitly enable Telnet access on the W-IAP to access the CLI through a Telnet session.
For information on enabling SSH and Telnet access to the W-IAP CLI, see Configuring Terminal Access on page 80.
Dell Networking W-Series Instant | User Guide Setting up a W-IAP | 41