Users Guide

Column Description
Wi-Fi (%) The percentage of the channel currently being used by Wi-Fi devices.
Type Device type.
Total nonwifi (%) The percentage of the channel currently being used by non Wi-Fi devices.
Known APs Number of valid APs identified on the radio channel.
UnKnown APs Number of invalid or rogue APs identified on the radio channel.
Channel Util (%) Percentage of the channel currently in use.
Max AP Signal (dBm) Signal strength of the AP that has the maximum signal strength on a channel.
Max Interference
Signal strength of the non Wi-Fi device that has the highest signal strength.
SNIR (db) The ratio of signal strength to the combined levels of interference and noise on that
channel. This value is calculated by determining the maximum noise-floor and
interference-signal levels, and then calculating how strong the desired signal is above
this maximum.
Channel Metrics
The channel metrics graph displays channel quality, availability and utilization metrics as seen by a spectrum
monitor or hybrid AP. You can view the channel utilization data for the percentage of each channel that is currently
being used by Wi-Fi devices, and the percentage of each channel being used by non Wi-Fi devices and 802.11
adjacent channel interference (ACI). This chart shows the channel availability, the percentage of each channel that
is available for use, or the current relative quality of selected channels in the 2.4 GHz or 5 GHz radio bands. While
spectrum monitors can display data for all channels in their selected band, hybrid APs display data for their one
monitored channel only.
To view this graph, click 2.4 GHz in the Spectrum section of the dashboard.
Figure 118 Channel Metrics for the 2.4 GHz Radio Channel
To view this graph, click 5 GHz in the Spectrum section of the dashboard.
Dell Networking W-Series Instant | User Guide Spectrum Monitor | 313