Users Guide

31 | Dell W-Instant MIBs Dell Networking W-Series Instant | MIB Reference Guide
The Dell W-Instant MIB tree consists of the following MIB groups and tables.
Group Description
aiInfoGroup Contains details of the virtual controller. For more information, see aiInfoGroup on page 31.
aiStateGroup Contains information about status of the Access Point, Radio, WLAN, and Clients connected to
an W-IAP. The following tables are available in the aiInfoGroup:
l aiAccessPointTable—Contains all the access points connected to the virtual controller. This
table is indexed by the MAC Address of the W-IAP.
l aiRadioTable—Contains all the radios of the access points connected to the virtual controller.
This table is indexed by the MAC Address and radio number.
l aiWlanTable—Contains all the BSSIDs that are active on the virtual controller. This table is
indexed by the MAC address and a WLAN Index of the W-IAP.
l aiClientTable—Contains information about all the clients connected to the virtual controller.
When a client roams from one access point to another, all the counters in this table are reset
to 0.
For more information, see aiStateGroup on page 33.
aiTrapGroup Contains the details of traps that can be generated on an W-IAP. For more information, see Trap
Hierarchy on page 61.
Table 5:
Supported Dell W-Instant MIBs and MIB Tables
The aiInfoGroup table provides information about the virtual controller:
l aiVirtualControllerKey
l aiVirtualControllerName
l aiVirtualControllerOrganization
l aiVirtualControllerVersion
l aiVirtualControllerIPAddress
l aiMasterIPAddress
Object ID
Syntax DisplayString
Max-Access Read-only
Status Current
Description Unique Virtual Controller key
Object ID
Syntax DisplayString
Max-Access Read-only