Release Notes

326 | Spectrum Monitor Dell Networking W-Series Instant | User Guide
Figure 118 Channel Metrics for the 5 GHz Radio Channel
Channel Metrics shows the information displayed in the channel metrics graph.
Column Description
Channel A 2.4 GHz or 5 GHz radio channel.
Quality(%) Current relative quality of selected channels in the 2.4 GHz or 5 GHz radio bands, as
determined by the percentage of packet retries, the current noise floor, and the duty
cycle for non Wi-Fi devices on that channel.
Availability(%) The percentage of the channel currently available for use.
Utilization(%) The percentage of the channel being used.
WiFi Util(%) The percentage of the channel currently being used by Wi-Fi devices.
Interference Util(%) The percentage of the channel currently being used by non Wi-Fi interference + Wi-Fi
ACI (Adjacent Channel Interference)
Table 61: Channel Metrics
Spectrum Alerts
When a new non Wi-Fi device is found, an alert is reported to the Virtual Controller. The spectrum alert
messages include the device ID, device type, IP address of the spectrum monitor or hybrid AP, and the
timestamp. Virtual Controller reports the detailed device information to AMP.
Configuring Spectrum Monitors and Hybrid W-IAPs
AW-IAP can be provisioned to function as a spectrum monitor or as a hybrid W-IAP. The radios on groups of
APs can be converted to dedicated spectrum monitors or hybrid APs via the AP group’s 802.11a and 802.11g
radio profiles.
Converting aW-IAP to a Hybrid W-IAP
You can convert all W-IAPs in an Instant network into hybrid W-IAPs by selecting the Background spectrum
monitoring option in the 802.11a and 802.11g radio profiles of a W-IAP. APs in Access mode continue to
provide normal access service to clients, while providing the additional function of monitoring RF interference.
If any W-IAP in the Instant network does not support the spectrum monitoring feature, that AP continues to
function as a standard W-IAP, rather than a hybrid W-IAP. By default, the background spectrum monitoring
option is disabled.