Users Guide

156 | SNMP Dell PowerConnect W-Series Instant Access Point | User Guide
To configure an SNMP trap receiver, follow this procedure.
1. Enter a name in the SNMP Engine ID text box.It indicates the name of the SNMP agent on the access point.
SNMPV3 agent has an engine ID that uniquely identifies the agent in the device and is unique to that
internal network.
2. Click New and update the following fields:
1. IP Address— Enter the IP Address of the new SNMP Trap receiver.
2. Version— Select the SNMP version— v1, v2c, v3 from the drop-down list. The version specifies the
format of traps generated by the access point.
3. Community/Username— Specify the community string for SNMPV1 and SNMPV2c traps and a
username for SNMPV3 traps.
4. Port— Enter the port to which the traps are sent. The default value is 162.
5. Inform— When enabled, traps are sent as SNMP INFORM messages. It is applicable to SNMPV3 only.
The default value is Yes.
3. Click OK to view the trap receiver information in the SNMP Trap Receivers window.
NOTE: Dell PowerConnect W-Series-specific management information bases (MIBs) describe the objects that can be managed
using SNMP. See the Dell PowerConnect W-Series Instant Access Point MIB Reference Guide for information about the Dell
PowerConnect W-Series and Aruba MIBs and SNMP traps.