Release Notes

0511587-03 | September 2014 Dell Networking W-Series Instant | CLI Reference Guide
Venue Group Associated Venue Type Value
The associated numeric value is 0.
The associated numeric value is 1.
l unspecified—The associated numeric value is 0.
l arena—The associated numeric value is 1.
l stadium—The associated numeric value is 2.
l passenger-terminal—The associated numeric value is 3.
l amphitheater—The associated numeric value is 4.
l amusement-park—The associated numeric value is 5.
l place-of-worship—The associated numeric value is 6.
l convention-center—The associated numeric value is 7.
l library—The associated numeric value is 8.
l museum—The associated numeric value is 9.
l restaurant—The associated numeric value is 10.
l theater—The associated numeric value is 11.
l bar—The associated numeric value is 12.
l coffee-shop—The associated numeric value is 13.
l zoo-or-aquarium—The associated numeric value is 14.
l emergency-cord-center—The associated numeric value is 15.
The associated numeric value is 2.
l unspecified—The associated numeric value is 0.
l doctor—The associated numeric value is 1
l bank—The associated numeric value is 2
l fire-station—The associated numeric value is 3
l police-station—The associated numeric value is 4
l post-office—The associated numeric value is 6
l professional-office—The associated numeric value is 7
l research-and-dev-facility—The associated numeric value is 8
l attorney-office—The associated numeric value is 9
The associated numeric value is 3.
l unspecified—The associated numeric value is 0.
l school-primary—The associated numeric value is 1.
l school-secondary—The associated numeric value is 2.
l univ-or-college—The associated numeric value is 3.
The associated numeric value is 4.
l unspecified—The associated numeric value is 0.
l factory—The associated numeric value is 1.
The associated numeric value is 5.
l unspecified—The associated numeric value is 0.
l hospital—The associated numeric value is 1.
Table 9: Venue Types