Concept Guide

show ap arm client-match Pending
show ap arm client-match pending
This parameter filters and displays only the pending client-match entries where the moves have not been
The following command displays information on the Client Match pending.
(AP-7010) # show ap arm client-match pending
S: Source, T: Target, A: Actual
BTM-ACC: 11v BTM Accept, BTM-REJ#: 11v-BTM Reject with reason #, BTM-TO: 11v-BTM Timeout, BTM-
FA: 11v-BTM False Accept
Unit of Roam Time: second
Unit of Signal: dBm
ARM Client match History
Time of Change Station Reason Status/Roam Time/Mode
-------------- ------- ------ ---------------------
2016-05-24 15:53:26 xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx Sticky Pending/5403/Deauth
2016-05-24 13:08:01 yy:yy:yy:yy:yy:yy Sticky Pending/15328/Deauth
Signal(S/T/A) Band(S/T/A) Radio Bssid(S/T/A) AP Name(S/T/A)
------------- ----------- ------------------ --------------
-89/-59/- 5G/5G/- 11:11:11:11:11:11/22:22:22:22:22:22/- AP1/AP2/-
-83/-64/- 5G/5G/- 22:22:22:22:22:22/33:33:33:33:33:33/- AP2/AP3/-
The output of this command includes the following parameters:
Parameter Description
Time of Change
Timestamp showing the date and time the client match feature associated the
client to a different AP radio.
The station MAC address.
Reason why the client match feature made the change. Possible reasons
l Sticky: A mobile roaming client was staying associated (sticking) to a sub-
optimal AP for too long.
l Band steer: A dual-band capable client was steered toward a 5Ghz radio
on a dual-band AP.
l Band Balance: A dual-band capable client was steered toward a different
radio to balance the load between the two radios on a single AP.
l Load Balance: Client match moved the client to a different AP, based upon
the load on APs in the client's RFneighborhood, and the SNR levels the
client detected from each underutilized AP.
The status, roam time, and mode of client steering using Client Match.
Dell Networking W-Series ArubaOS 6.5.x | Reference Guide show ap arm client-match Pending | 957