Concept Guide

show airgroup cppm
show airgroup cppm {<entries>|<server-group>}
This command displays the information for devices registered in ClearPass Policy Manager.
Parameter Description Range Default
Displays the CPPM registration information.
Displays the Server Group information.
The following example displays the information for devices registered in ClearPass Policy Manager:
(host) #show airgroup cppm entries
ClearPass Guest Device Registration Information
Device device-owner shared location-id AP-name shared location-id AP-FQLN
shared location-id AP-group shared user-list shared group-list shared role-list CPPM-Req
------ ------------ -------------------------- -------------------------- -----
---------------------- ---------------- ----------------- ---------------- -------- -----
cc:3a:61:b1:4a:cc lecturer
lecturer2 1 1
c4:85:08:a2:15:1b N/A
DEPT1 1 1
00:1e:65:2d:ae:44 N/A
Physics 1 1
Num CPPM Entries:3
The following example displays the server group information:
(host) (config) #show airgroup cppm server-group
Airgroup AAA Server Group
Name Inservice trim-FQDN match-FQDN
---- --------- --------- ----------
cppm Yes No
The output of this command includes the following parameters:
Dell Networking W-Series ArubaOS 6.5.x | Reference Guide show airgroup cppm | 911