Concept Guide

show whitelist-db rap-local-switch-list
show whitelist-db rap-local-switch-list [mac-address <mac-address>]
Display the remote AP whitelist local switch list on a master controller.
Parameter Description
mac-address <mac-address>
MAC address of the local controller whose data you want to view.
Usage Guidelines
When you have remote APson a network with both master and local controllers, the master controller
maintains a whitelist of local controllers with remote APs. When you change a remote AP whitelist on any
controller, that controller contacts the master controller to check the local switch whitelist, then contacts every
other controller on the local switch whitelist to notify it of the change. This allows a remote AP to move
between local controllers and still stay connected to the secure network.
To view information for a single local controller, use the command show whitelist-db rap-local-switch-list
mac-address <mac-address>. To view a list of all local controllers, use the command show whitelist-db
The following command shows information for all local controllers in the local controller whitelist. The output
in the example below has been divided into sections to better fit on the pages of this document. In the
ArubaOS CLI, the output appears in a single, long table.
(host) #show whitelist-db rap-local-switch-list
Active MAC-Address IP-Address Sequence Number Remote Sequence Number
------- ----------- ---------- --------------- ----------------------
1 00:0b:86:51:a5:4c 3 1
1 00:A0:C9:14:C8:29 3 0
NULL Update Count Local Purge Remote Purge Remote Last-Seq Last Update Sent
----------------- ----------- ------------ --------------- ----------------
0 0 0 2 Mon May 4 13:33:29 2013
0 0 0 2 Mon May 4 13:32:55 2013
Last Update Received
Mon May 4 13:33:18 2013
Mon May 4 13:32:19 2013W
Whitelist Entries: 2
Dell Networking W-Series ArubaOS 6.5.x | Reference Guide show whitelist-db rap-local-switch-list | 2047