Concept Guide

186| ap mesh-radio-profile Dell Networking W-Series ArubaOS 6.5.x| Reference Guide
Parameter Description Range Default
After the initial startup scan is completed,
connected mesh nodes evaluate mesh
links every 30 seconds. If a mesh node
finds a better uplink, the mesh node
connects to the new parent to create an
improved path to the mesh portal.
Connected mesh nodes do not evaluate
other mesh links to create an improved
path to the mesh portal.
Mesh points using the startup-
subthreshold reselection mode perform
a single topology readjustment scan
within 9 minutes of startup and 4 minutes
after a link is formed. If no better parent is
found, the mesh point returns to its
original parent. This initial startup scan
evaluates more distant mesh points
before closer mesh points, and incurs a
dropout of 5-8 seconds for each mesh
point. After that time, each mesh node
evaluates alternative links if the existing
uplink falls below the configured threshold
level (the link becomes a sub-threshold
link). Best practices are to use the default
startup-subthreshold value.
Starting with ArubaOS 3.4.1, if a mesh
point using the startup-subthreshold
mode reselects a more distant parent
because its original, closer parent falls
below the acceptable threshold, then as
long as that mesh point is connected to
that more distant parent, it will seek to
reselect a parent at the earlier distance
(or less) with good link quality. For
example, if a mesh point disconnects from
a mesh parent 2 hops away and
subsequently reconnects to a mesh
parent 3 hops away, then the mesh point
will continue to seek a connection to a
mesh parent with both an acceptable link
quality and a distance of two hops or less,
even if the more distant parent also has
an acceptable link quality.
Connected mesh nodes evaluate
alternative links only if the existing uplink
becomes a sub-threshold link.
NOTE: Starting with ArubaOS 3.4.1, if a
mesh point using the subthreshold-only
mode reselects a more distant parent
because its original, closer parent falls
below the acceptable threshold, then as
long as that mesh point is connected to
that more distant parent, it will seek to