Concept Guide

Parameter Description
Minimum Scan Time Time, in seconds, that a channel must be scanned before it is considered
for assignment.
Load aware Scan Threshold The traffic throughput level an AP must reach before it stops scanning, in
bytes/second. A value of 0 to disables this feature.
Mode Aware Arm If enabled, ARM will turn APs into Air Monitors (AMs) if it detects higher
coverage levels than necessary. This helps avoid higher levels of
interference on the WLAN. Although this setting is disabled by default, you
may want to enable this feature if your APs are deployed in close proximity
(e.g. less than 60 feet apart).
Scan Mode This parameter defines the scan mode for the AP.
l all-reg-domain: The AP scans channels within all regulatory domains.
This is the default setting.
l reg-domain:Limit the AP scans to just the regulatory domain for that AP.
Client Match The client match feature helps optimize network resources by balancing
clients across channels, regardless of whether the AP or the controller is
responding to the wireless clients' probe requests.
If enabled, the controller compares whether or not an AP has more clients
than its neighboring APs on other channels. If an AP’s client load is at or
over a predetermined threshold as compared to its immediate neighbors,
or if a neighboring Dell AP on another channel does not have any clients,
load balancing will be enabled on that AP. This feature is enabled by default
Client Match report
interval (sec)
Thisinterval defines how often an AP sends an updated client probe report
to the controller. Each client probe report contains a list of MACaddresses
for clients that have been active in the last two minutes, and the AP radio
SNR values seen by those clients.
Allows Client Match to
Automatically Clear
Unsteerable Clients after
When client match and the client match unsteerable client ageout features
are enabled, the controller periodically sends APs that are not a desired AP
match for a client in a list of unsteerable clients. These lists contain a list of
MAC addresses for up to 128 clients that should not be steered to that AP.
Client Match Unsteerable
Client Ageout Interval
The client entries in an unsteerable client list remain in effect for the
interval defined by this parameter before they age out.
Client Match Band Steering
G Max Signal (-dBm)
Maximum signal level of the G band radio that can trigger a Client Match
band steer move (-dBm)
Client Match Band Steering
A Min Signal (-dBm)
Minimum signal level required for the targeted A band radio in a Client
Match band steer move (-dBm).
Client Match Sticky Client
Check Interval (sec)
Frequency at which the AP checks for client's received SNR values. If the
SNR value drops below the threshold defined by the cm-sticky-snr
parameter for three consecutive check intervals, that clientmay be moved
to an different AP.
Dell Networking W-Series ArubaOS 6.5.x | Reference Guide show rf arm-profile | 1843