Concept Guide

show packet-capture
show packet-capture
controlpath-pcap [hex]
datapath-pcap [hex]
Displays packet capture status on the controller.
Parameter Description
controlpath-pcap [hex]
Displays controlpath packets captured in the local-filesystem.
datapath-pcap [hex]
Displays datapath packets captured in the local-filesystem.
The output of this command shows the packet capture configuration details.
(host) #show packet-capture
Active Capture Destination
Destination IP
Active Capture (Controlpath)
Interprocess Disabled
Sysmsg Disabled
TCP Enabled Ports: 2
UDP Enabled Ports: 5
Other Enabled
Active Capture (Datapath)
Wifi-Client Enabled Mac: 00:0b:86:6d:47:6c Filter: Decrypted
Ipsec Enabled Peer:
(host) (config) #show packet-capture-defaults
Default Capture Destination
Destination Local-Filesystem
Default Capture (Controlpath)
Interprocess Disabled
Sysmsg Disabled
TCP Enabled Ports: 80 8080
UDP Enabled Ports: All
Other Disabled
Default Capture (Datapath)
Wifi-Client Enabled Mac: 00:0b:86:6d:47:6c Filter: Encrypted
Ipsec Disabled
Dell Networking W-Series ArubaOS 6.5.x | Reference Guide show packet-capture | 1755