Reference Guide

18 | Security Messages Dell Networking W-Series Instant Access Point | Syslog Messages Reference Guide
132084 Two TKIP Michael MIC Failures were detected within [last_scan_time:%d] seconds.AP
will be shutdown for next 60 seconds
Description: Two MIC failures was received from the station within 60 secs.
Recommended Action: The AP must be shutdown for 60 secs
132085 Maximum number of %s Key exchanges attempted for station [name:%s] [mac:%m]
[bssid:%m] [apname:%s]
Description: Maximum number of key exchanges was attempted for the station
132088 “Invalid WPA [ver:%d] Key message from Station [mac:%m] [bssid:%m] [apname:%s],
reason:ACK bit set
Description: WPA key message with ACK bit set was received from the station. This is
132089 “Invalid WPA [ver:%d] Key message from Station [mac:%m] [bssid:%m]
[apname:%s],reason: Error flag without Request bit set
Description: WPA key message with error flag without request bit set was received
from the station. This is invalid
132090 Received TKIP Michael MIC Failure Report from the Station [mac:%m] [bssid:%m]
Description: Specified Station sent TKIP MIC failure report
132091 Wrong key type [kt:%d] in [msg:%s] from Station [mac:%m] [bssid:%m] [apname:%s]
Description: Station sent wrong key type in the WPA key message
132092 Request bit set in [msg:%s] from Station [mac:%m] [bssid:%m] [apname:%s]
Description: Station sent WPA key message with request bit set
132093 [msg:%s] from Station [mac:%m] [bssid:%m] [apname:%s] did not match the replay
counter [stcnt1:%d][stcnt2:%d] vs [apcnt1:%d][apcnt2:%d]
Description: Station and AP’s replay counter does not match. The WPA key message
from the station has to be dropped
132099 [msg:%s] from Station [mac:%m] [bssid:%m] [apname:%s] has invalid datalen [ln:%d]
!= 0]
Description: Station sent WPA key message with invalid key length
132104 Invalid character in the passphrase [ch:%c]
Description: Invalid characters in the WPA passphrase
132105 Invalid password len [ln:%d]
Description: Invalid WPA passphrase length
132106 Invalid ssid len [ln:%d]
Description: Invalid SSID length
132113 Station’s [mac:%m] [strsn:%X] and AP’s [bssid:%m] [aprsn:%X] [apname:%s] RSN
Capability does not match
Description: Station and AP’s RSN capability does not match
132114 Failed to add xSec station [mac:%m] to AP [bssid:%m]
Description: Failed to add xSec station to AP’s station table
Table 5 Security Error Messages (Continued)
Message ID Message and Description