Reference Guide

427 | show uplink-vlan Dell Networking W-Series Instant | CLI Reference Guide
show uplink-vlan
show uplink-vlan
This command displays the uplink VLAN configuration details for the management traffic.
Usage Guidelines
Use this command to view the uplink VLANconfiguration details for management traffic. The uplink management
VLAN configuration allows you to tag management traffic and connect multiple W-IAP clusters (Virtual Controllers)
to the same port on an upstream switch (for example, W-AirWave server).
The following output is displayed for the show uplink-vlan command:
Uplink Vlan Current :0
Uplink Vlan Provisioned :
The output of this command provides the following information:
Column Description
Uplink Vlan Current
Indicates if the VLANID.
Uplink Vlan Provisioned
Indicates if the uplink VLAN is provisioned.
Command History
Version Description
Dell Networking W-Series
Instant Access Point
This command is introduced.
Command Information
W-IAP Platform Command Mode
All platforms
Privileged EXEC mode