Reference Guide

297 | show captive-portal Dell Networking W-Series Instant | CLI Reference Guide
show captive-portal
show captive-portal
This command shows the external and internal Captive portal parameters configured for a network profile.
Usage Guidelines
Use this command to view information about the contents displayed on the internal and external Captive portal
pages for guest users.
The following output is displayed for the show captive-portal command:
:Captive Portal Configuration
Background Color:13421772
Banner Color :16750848
Decoded Texts :
Banner Text :Welcome to Guest Network
Use Policy :Please read terms and conditions before using Guest Network
Terms of Use :This network is not secure, and use is at your own risk
Internal Captive Portal Redirect URL:
Captive Portal Mode:Acknowledged
:External Captive Portal Configuration
Port :80
URL :/
Authentication Text:Authenticated
External Captive Portal Redirect URL:
Server Fail Through:No
The output of this command provides the following information:
Parameter Description
Background Color
Displays the color code configured for the internal
Captive portal splash page.
Banner Color
Displays the color code configured for the banner on the
internal Captive portal splash page.
Banner Text
Displays the banner text for the internal Captive portal
splash page.
Displays decoded texts.
Terms of use
Displays the terms and conditions that the internal
Captive portal user must be aware of.
Use Policy
Displays usage policy text for the internal Captive portal
splash page.
Captive Portal Mode
Indicates if the authentication is successful and
Internal Captive Portal Redirect URL
Displays the URL that the users are redirected to, after a