Concept Guide

Parameter Description Range Default
reselect a parent at the earlier distance
(or less) with good link quality. For
example, if a mesh point disconnects from
a mesh parent 2 hops away and
subsequently reconnects to a mesh
parent 3 hops away, then the mesh point
will continue to seek a connection to a
mesh parent with both an acceptable link
quality and a distance of two hops or less,
even if the more distant parent also has
an acceptable link quality.
Defines the packet size sent by mesh
nodes. Mesh nodes transmitting frames
larger than this threshold must issue
request to send (RTS) and wait for other
mesh nodes to respond with clear to send
(CTS) to begin transmission. This helps
prevent mid-air collisions.
256-2,346 2,333 bytes
Usage Guidelines
Mesh radio profiles are specific to mesh nodes (APs configured for mesh) and determine the radio
frequency/channel used by mesh nodes to establish mesh links and the path to the mesh portal. You can
configure multiple radio profiles; however, you select and deploy only one radio profile per mesh cluster.
Radio profiles, including the default” profile, are not active until you provision your APs for mesh. If you
modify a currently provisioned and running radio profile, your changes take place immediately. You do not
reboot the controller or the AP.
The following command creates a mesh radio profile named radio2 and associates a mesh high-throughput
profile named meshHT1:
(host) (config) #ap mesh-radio-profile radio2
mesh-ht-ssid-profile meshHT1
Related Commands
To view a complete list of mesh radio profiles and their status, use the following command:
(host) (config) #show ap mesh-radio-profile
To view the settings of a specific mesh radio profile, use the following command:
(host) (config) #show ap mesh-radio-profile <name>
Dell Networking W-Series ArubaOS 6.5.x | Reference Guide ap mesh-radio-profile | 187