Concept Guide

Parameter Description Range Default
Configures the mesh cluster profile for
mesh nodes that are members of the AP
group. There is a “default” mesh cluster
profile; however, it is not applied until you
provision the mesh node. See ap mesh-
cluster-profile on page 175.
Configures the priority of the mesh
cluster profile. If more than two mesh
cluster profiles are configured, mesh
points use this number to identify primary
and backup profile(s).
The lower the number, the higher the
1-16 1
Configures the 802.11g and 802.11a
radio settings for mesh nodes that are
members of the AP group. See ap mesh-
ht-ssid-profile on page 177.
Commands to configure mesh for
outdoor APs require the Outdoor Mesh
Negates any configured parameter.
Configures the country code and valid
channels. See ap regulatory-domain-
profile on page 202.
Configure coverage hole and interference
detection. See rf optimization-profile on
page 764.
One or more profiles, each of which
configures a specified WLAN. See wlan
virtual-ap on page 2358.
Configures voice over IP (VoIP) call
admission control (CAC) options. See
wlan voip-cac-profile on page 2372.
This parameter requires the PEFNG
Usage Guidelines
AP groups are at the top of the configuration hierarchy. An AP group collects virtual AP definitions and
configuration profiles, which are applied to APs in the group.
The following command configures a virtual AP profile to the default” AP group:
(host)(config) #ap-group default
virtual-ap corpnet
Dell Networking W-Series ArubaOS 6.5.x | Reference Guide ap-group | 237