Concept Guide

show ap client trail-info
show ap client trail-info [<client-mac>]
Use this command to show client activity for debugging purposes.
Parameter Description
<client-mac> MAC address of the client.
Usage Guidelines
Use this command to view client activity, including reasons for client deauthentication, the history of how that
client moved between different APs, and any alerts or errors encountered by that client. Include the optional
<client-mac> parameter to show additional details for that specific client.
Client-trail information may be available for clients that are no longer active, as the controller saves a limited
amount of client data in a buffer. The maximum number of clients for which trail-information is saved is
determined by is determined by the controller platform. Each controller saves client trail information for twice
the number of active clients supported by that controller platform.
The following example shows client-trail information for all clients associated with the controller.
(host) #show ap client trail-info
Client Trail Info
MAC BSSID ESSID AP-name VLAN Deauth-reason Alert
----------------- ---------------- ------ -------- ----- --------------- -------------
00:11:22:33:44:55 00:0b:86:11:22:33 corp ap1 10 AP-Down Auth-failure
00:12:32:43:54:65 00:0b:86:11:22:34 corp ap2 10 AP-Down Auth-failure
00:31:42:53:64:75 00:0b:86:11:22:35 corp ap3 10 AP-Down Auth-failure
This example shows client-trail information for a specific user that includes information about AP alerts and
mobility trails.
(host) #show ap client trail-info 00:11:22:33:44:55
MAC BSSID ESSID AP-name VLAN Deauth-reason Alert
----------------- ----------------- ----- ------- ---- ------------- ------------
00:11:22:33:44:55 00:0b:86:11:22:33 corp ap1 10 AP-down Auth-failure
Deauth Reason
Reason Timestamp
------------ ---------------------------
AP-Down Apr-12-2013 08:12:34
Reason Timestamp
-------------- ------------------
Auth-Failure Apr-10-2013 03:45:11
Mobility Trail
AP-name BSSID ESSID Timestamp
------- ----------------- ----- --------------------
Ap1 00:0b:86:11:11:11 corp Apr-10-2013 03:45:11
AP2 00:0b:86:22:22:22 abc Apr-10-2013 03:45:11
Dell Networking W-Series ArubaOS 6.5.x | Reference Guide show ap client trail-info | 1007