Release Notes
Dell Networking W-Series Instant | Quick Start Guide
Part Number 0511596-02 | August 2014
Dell Networking W-Series
Quick Start Guide
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1. Verify that the newly created network is displayed in the Networks window: for
example, employee_network as shown in
Figure 1.
Figure 1 Network Window
2. Disconnect the client from i
nstant, the default provisioning network to which
your client system is connected.
3. Connect your client to the
newly created network.
4. Log in to the Instant UI with the administrator credential
s. The instant
provisioning network is automatically deleted and will no longer be available.
Converting a W-IAP
A W-IAP can be converted to operate as a Campus AP or Remote AP managed by a
Dell Networking W-Series Mobility
To convert a W-IAP through the Instant UI, perform the following steps:
1. Log in to the Instant UI with the administrator credential
2. Click the Ma
intenance link at the top right corner of the Instant main window.
3. Click the Co
nvert tab.
4. Based on your requirement, select an appropriate option from the Con
vert one or
more Access Points to drop-down menu.
5. Enter the IP address of the Dell Controller.
6. Click Con
vert Now. The W-IAP reboots and begins operating in the mode that you
To convert a W-IAP from a controller-managed mode to Instant mode, manually reset
the W-IAP.
Note: To reset a W-IAP, press and hold the reset button using a small and narrow
object such as a paperclip. Power on the W-IAP without releasing the reset button.
The power LED flashes within five seconds indicating that the reset is completed.
For more information on the W-IAP conversion process, see the Dell Networking W-
Series Instant User Guide.