Reference Guide

Advertising Services Version 1.3
2. Click the Create new advertising promotion located above
the promotions list; the promotion editor will be shown.
Apply the following settings to the General Properties section:
3. Enter the Name for the promotion: Top-Level Promotion
4. Ensure that the Enabled field checkbox, Use this promotion, is
5. Leave the Start Date field empty.
6. Leave the End Date field empty.
7. Enter the following text into the Description field:
This is the Top-Level promotion. It includes the gold and platinum
package promotions, providing a 2-to-1 delivery ratio in favor of
the platinum package promotion.
8. Leave the Labels field empty.
9. Select the Type dropdown and choose: Weighted content
Apply the following settings to the Weighted Content section:
10. In the Content Items list, click the Add a promotion link; a
row will be added where the Content column dropdown is set to
None and the Weighting column text field is set to 1.0.