Reference Guide

Advertising Services Version 1.3
Mobile phone number there are many millions of valid mobile
phone numbers that could be provided by a user, therefore a
phone number also does not place a person into a group.
Email address as with phone numbers, there are many millions
of possible email addresses that could be provided by a user, so
an email address also does not place a person into a group.
Of the above fields, however, there are some that do place people directly
into groups:
Gender there are only two responses for gender: female or
male. A person who selects one of these two options can therefore
be placed into the corresponding group: the female group or the
male group.
Age group there are typically a small number of possible
response for an age group question. Using the definition of an
age_group field covered in this manual (§3.2.2) there are only 7
valid responses. A person who selects one of the 7 responses can
therefore be placed into the corresponding group. For example,
the 0-to-19 group or the 30-to-39 group.
Personal interests for each of the personal interests (fashion,
reading, …, reading) only a yes or no response is valid. The user
can respond Yes, I am interested in fashion, or No, I am not
interested in fashion. Their response can place them in the
Fashion-Yes group or the Fashion-No group (and likewise for each
of the other personal interest options).
As you can see, there are some types of information that can place a person
directly into a group, and there are other types that cannot.
When a person is placed into a group (based on their responses to the fields
in a registration form), they can be said to belong to a particular
demographic. The demographics that would be possible, using the above
fields as examples, would include:
Table 28: Example Demographics Groups
Personal Interests
0 to 19
20 to 29
Entertainment Yes
Entertainment No
30 to 39
40 to 49
Fashion Yes
Fashion No
50 to 59
60 to 69
Food Yes
Food No
Homewares Yes
Homewares No
Jewelry Yes
Jewelry No
Music Yes
Music No
Reading Yes
Reading No
Sport Yes
Sport No
Technology Yes
Technology No