Deployment Guide

372 | Reference Amigopod 3.7 | Deployment Guide
GetIpAddressCurrentSession($ip_addr = null)
GetCallingStationCurrentSession($callingstationid, $mac_format = null)
GetSessionTimeRemaining($username, $format = “relative”)
ChangeToRole($username, $role_name)
The $criteria array consists of of one or more criteria on which to perform a databased search. This array is
used for advanced cases where pre-defined helper functions do not provide required flexiblity.
Advanced Developer Reference
The reference documentation in this section is intended for advanced usage by developers.
{nwa_assign …}
Smarty registered template function. Assigns a page variable based on the output of a generator function.
Simple usage example:
{nwa_assign var=my_variable value=my_value}
The “var” parameter specifies the page variable that will receive the output.
The “value” parameter specifies the value to assign to “var”.
The various request variables may also be accessed using one of two supported methods:
{nwa_assign var=_GET.get_variable value=...}
{nwa_assign var=smarty.get.get_variable value=...}
The variables that can be accessed this way are _GET (smarty.get), _POST (, _REQUEST
(smarty.request), _SESSION (smarty.session), _COOKIE (smarty.cookies), and _ENV (smarty.env).
Assigning to values in _SESSION will persist the value for the next page load in the session.
Alternative usage example:
{nwa_assign var=userskin_plugin generator=NwaGetPluginDetails arg=$u.userskin}
The “generator” parameter specifies the generator function to be called.
A single “arg” parameter, if specified, provides a 1-argument form of calling the function; alternatively,
“arg1”, “arg2”, ... may be specified to form an array of arguments to pass to the generator.
{nwa_bling …}
Smarty registered template function. Adds various kinds of visual effects to the page.
Usage example:
{nwa_bling id=$some_id type=fade}
The “id” parameter is the ID of the HTML element to which you will add add ‘bling’ effects The “type”
parameter is the kind of bling desired:
“fade”: element smoothly fades in and out
“blink”: element blinks slowly