Deployment Guide

138 | Guest Management Amigopod 3.7 | Deployment Guide
To complete the form, you must enter the number of visitor accounts you want to create.
A random password will be created for each visitor account. This is not displayed on this form, but will be
available on the guest account receipt.
You can specify the account activation and expiration times. The visitor accounts cannot be used before the
activation time, or after the expiration time.
To create temporary “scratch card” accounts, you may specify a value for the Account Lifetime. This
creates a visitor account with a timer that starts counting down once the visitor logs in for the first time.
When the timer runs out, the account will expire.
The Account Role specifies what type of accounts to create.
Click the Create Accounts button after completing the form.
Creating Multiple Guest Account Receipts
Once a group of guest accounts has been created, the details for the accounts are displayed.
To print the receipts, select an appropriate template from the Open print window using template
list. A new Web browser window will open and the Print dialog box will be displayed.
To download a copy of the receipt information in CSV format, click the Save list for scratch cards
(CSV file) link. The fields available in the CSV file are:
Number – the sequential number of the visitor account, starting at one
Username – the username for the visitor account
Password – the password for the visitor account
Role – the visitor account’s role
Activation Time – the date and time at which the account will be activated, or N/A if there is no
activation time
Expiration Time – the date and time at which the account will expire, or N/A if there is no activation
If more than one account expiration time is set (for example, an account lifetime and a fixed expiration time), then
the account will expire at the earliest of the expiration times.