Users Guide

Importing a large number of floor plans can impact performance of the AirWave server. VisualRF must create a thumbnail,
provision APs, create attenuation grid, and locate all clients on each imported floor plan. This can cause the VisualRF >
Floor Plans page to be unresponsive.
Process on Controller
1. On the controller's UI, navigate to the Plan > Building List page.
2. Select the buildings to be exported and select Export.
3. When the dialog box appears, make sure that you have included all images and select Save to a file.
Process on AirWave
1. Navigate to VisualRF > Import.
2. Select the Import floor plans from an Aruba/Dell Networking W Controller link.
3. Select the Begin Importing Floor Plans link.
4. When prompted for input file, use the file saved from the controller process.
VisualRF Location APIs
VisualRF provides the following location APIs:
Site Inventory: https://[amp_host]/visualrf/site.xml?site_id=...
l You can find the site_id from the Floor Plan List query defined on the XML API page
l This interface provides floor details including access points, walls, regions, surveys, etc.
l The corresponding example XML and schema are attached in visualrf_site_inventory.*
Device Location: https://[amp_host]/visualrf/location.xml?mac=...
l Provide the radio MAC of the client to locate.
l The corresponding site where the user was placed is provided along with the dimensions
l If a client is heard on multiple floors, it will only be placed on the floor that contains the AP it is associated with.
Sample Device Location Response
<visualrf:device_location version="1" xmlns:visualrf="">
<device mac="00:13:02:C2:39:28" name="Peter"
Sample Site Inventory Response
<amp:amp_site_inventory version="1"
<site id="b45e7a49-23b5-4db0-891a-2e60bff90d2c" version="677">
<width>314.45</width> <height>425.88</height>
<property name="site_owner" value="" format="" />
<property name="name" value="Remax" format="" />
Dell Networking W-AirWave 7.7 | User Guide Using VisualRF | 351