Reference Guide

855 | show aaa bandwidth-contracts Dell Networking W-Series ArubaOS 6.4.x| User Guide
show aaa bandwidth-contracts
show aaa bandwidth-contracts [<bwname>]
This command shows the contract names, ID numbers and Rate limits for your bandwidth contracts.
Parameter Description
(Optional) Name of a bandwidth contract.
Specify a bandwidth contract name to view information for a specific bandwidth contract, or omit that
parameter to veiw information for all configured bandwidth contracts. The output of the following command
shows that the bandwidth contract VLAN has a configured rate of 6 Mbps, and the contract User has a rate of
2048 Kbps.
(host) #show aaa bandwidth-contracts VLAN
Bandwidth ContractInstances
Contract Id Rate (bits/second)
-------- -- ------------------
VLAN 1 6000000
User 2 2048000
Total contracts = 2
Per-user contract total = 4096
Per-user contract usage = 0
Related Commands
Command Description Mode
aaa bandwidth-contract
Use this command to define contracts to limit
traffic for a user or VLAN.
Config mode
Command History
This command was introduced in ArubaOS 3.0.
Command Information
Platforms Licensing Command Mode
All platforms Base operating system Enable or Config mode on master or
local controllers