Reference Guide

show license client-table
show license client-table
Display the centralized license limits applied to each licensing client.
No Parameters.
Usage Guidelines
If your deployment uses the centralized licensing feature, issue this command from the command-line
interface of a centralized licensing client to view license limits applied to that licensing client from the licensing
The following example displays output of the show license client-table command.
(host) #show license client-table
Built-in limit: 32
License Client Table
Service Type System Limit Server Lic. Used Lic. Contributed Lic.
Remaining Lic.
------------ ------------ ----------- --------- ---------------- ------
Access Points 256 5120 1 5120 255
Next Generation PEFModule 256 2047 1 2048 255
RF Protect 256 6143 1 6144 255
xSec Module 4096 16384 0 16384 4096
Advanced Cryptography 4096 1024 0 1024 1024
The output of this command includes the following data columns:
Parameter Description
Service Type
Type of license on the licensing client.
System Limit
The maximum number of licenses supported by the controller platform.
Server Lic.
Number of licenses available for use by the licensing client.
NOTE: This number is limited by the total license capacity of the controller
platform. A controller cannot use more licenses than is supported by that
controller platform, even if additional license are available.
Used Lic.
Total number of licenses of each license type used by the licensing client
Contributed Lic.
Total number of licenses of each license type contributed by the licensing
client controller.
Dell Networking W-Series ArubaOS 6.4.x | User Guide show license client-table | 1662