Reference Guide

show cellular profile
show cellular profile [<name>] | [factory]
Display the cellular profiles and profile settings.
Parameter Description
Enter the name of an existing cellular profile
Display a list of factory supported cellular profiles.
Usage Guidelines
Issue this command without the <name> parameter to display configuration parameters for the entire list of
available cellular profiles. Include a profile name to display configuration information for that one profile.
The output of this command displays the Cellular Profile table. The example below shows eight preconfigured
cellular profiles.
(host) #show cellular profile
Cellular Profile Table
Name Vend Prod Serial Dialer Tty Driver Priority
---- ---- ---- ------ ------ --- ------ -------- --------
Novatel_U720 1410 2110 evdo_us ttyUSB0 option default
Novatel_U727 1410 4100 evdo_us ttyUSB0 option default
Kyocera_KPC680 0c88 180a evdo_us ttyUSB0 option default
Sierra_Compass_597 1199 0023 evdo_us ttyUSB0 sierra default
Pantech_UM175 106c 3714 evdo_us ttyUSB1 option default
Sierra_USBConn_881 1199 6856 gsm_us ttyUSB0 option default
USBConn_Mercury_C885 1199 6880 gsm_us ttyUSB3 option default
Globetrotter_Icon322 0af0 d033 gsm_us ttyHS3 hso default
Default cellular priority: 100
The output of this command includes the following parameters:
Parameters Description
Name Name of a cellular profile.
Vend Vendor ID in hexadecimal
Dell Networking W-Series ArubaOS 6.4.x | User Guide show cellular profile | 1382