Release Notes

show whitelist-db rap-status
show whitelist-db rap-status
Display aggregate status information APs in the remote AP whitelist.
No parameters.
The output of the following command shows current status information for all APs in the remote AP whitelist:
(host) #show whitelist-db rap-status
Entries in Whitelist database
Total entries: 41
Revoked entries: 1
Marked for deletion entries: 0
The output of this command includes
Parameter Description
Total entries
Total number of entries in the remote AP whitelist
Revoked entries
Number of remote APs whose entries have been revoked
Marked for deletion entries
Number of remote APs whose entries have been marked for deletion.
An entry will not be permanently deleted until all other controllers on
the network acknowledge the deletion.
Related Commands
Command Description Mode
show whitelist-db rap-master-
Display the list of master controllers with remote APs
managed using the remote AP whitelist
Enable or Config
show whitelist-db rap-local-
Display the list of local controllers with remote APs
managed using the remote AP whitelist
Enable or Config
show whitelist-db rap View detailed information for the remote AP whitelist
Enable or Config
whitelist-db rap add Add an AP entry to the remote AP whitelist. Config mode
Command History
This command was introduced in ArubaOS 5.0.
Dell Networking W-Series ArubaOS 6.4.x | Reference Guide show whitelist-db rap-status | 1820