Release Notes

show voice dialplan-profile
show voice dialplan-profile <profile>
Displays list of SIP voice dialplan. You can also specify a dialplan to view configuration.
No parameter.
The output of this command shows list of all dialplans and the configuration of long distance dialplan.
(host) (config) #show voice dialplan-profile
Dialplan Profile List
Name References Profile Status
---- ---------- --------------
default 1
extenstion 0
local 0
longDistance 0
(host) (config) #show voice dialplan-profile longDistance
Dialplan Profile "longDistance"
Parameter Value
--------- -----
dialplan 102 +1XXXXXXXXXX 9%e
Command History
Version Description
ArubaOS 5.0 Command introduced.
Command Information
Platforms Licensing Command Mode
All platforms This command requires the
PEFNG license
Config or Enable mode on master or
local controllers
Dell Networking W-Series ArubaOS 6.4.x | Reference Guide show voice dialplan-profile | 1776