Release Notes

show references aaa profile
show references aaa profile <profile-name>
Show references to an AAA Profile.
Parameter Description
profile <profile-name>
Name of an AAA profile for which you want to view references.
Issue this command to show the wlan virtual AP profiles that include references to the specified AAA profile.
The example below shows that seven different virtual AP profiles include a single reference to the AAA profile
(host) #References to AAA Profile "default"
Referrer Count
-------- -----
wlan virtual-ap "1.0.0_corporateHQ-wpa2" aaa-profile 1
wlan virtual-ap "110.0.corporateHQ-wpa2" aaa-profile 1
wlan virtual-ap "default" aaa-profile 1
wlan virtual-ap "corporateHQ-vocera" aaa-profile 1
wlan virtual-ap "corporateHQ-voip-wpa2" aaa-profile 1
wlan virtual-ap "Test123" aaa-profile 1
wlan virtual-ap "branch12" aaa-profile 1
Total References:7
Command History
This command was introduced in ArubaOS 3.0.
Command Information
Platforms Licensing Command Mode
Available on all platforms Base operating system Config mode on master and local
Dell Networking W-Series ArubaOS 6.4.x | Reference Guide show references aaa profile | 1596