Reference Guide

Dell PowerConnect W-Series ArubaOS 6.1 CLI | Reference Guide pkt-trace | 425
pkt-trace acl <acl-name> {enable|disable} [trace {cptrace|pktrace} [trace-mask
Enable packet tracing in the datapath. Use this feature only under the supervision of Dell technical support.
The following example enables packet tracing for the traffic matching the acl stateful-dot1x.
Command History
This command was introduced in ArubaOS 3.4.
Command Information
Parameter Description
<acl-name> Enable packet tracing for the specified access-control list.
enable Enable packet tracing for the ACL.
disable Disable packet tracing for the ACL.
cptrace Send packet trace data into the Control Processor.
pktrace Write packet trace data in the packet.
tracemask <tmask> Specify the trace mask. This value is provided by Dell technical support.
Platforms Licensing Command Mode
All platforms Base operating system Enable mode on master controllers
(host) #pkt-trace acl stateful-dot1x enable trace cptrace trace-mask <val>