Setup guide

Setting Up Multiple OpenManage Essentials Instances on the Same SQL Server Database Instance
Setting Up Multiple OpenManage Essentials Instances on a Single
SQL Server Instance
1. Install OpenManage Essentials on the remote or local database which is the centralized SQL
server. For this example, let us assume it as OMEssentials1.
2. On another server, install OpenManage Essentials on a different local or remote database.
OpenManage Essentials can also be installed on a local server that does not have a database.
While installing OpenManage Essentials, if a database is not found, then OpenManage Essentials
prompts for the installation of SQL Express 2012 on the local server as shown in Figure 1. On
clicking ‘Yes’, SQL Express 2012 will be installed on the same server and after that a typical or
custom installation of OpenManage Essentials can be performed. For this example, let us
assume this OpenManage Essentials to be OMEssentials2.
Installing OpenManage Essentials on a Local Server Without SQL Figure 1.
3. Copy the SQL Server database instance from the second OpenManage Essentials instance( i.e.
OMEssentials2) and attach it to the centralized SQL server. This can be done in two ways: