Users Guide

Supervision 41
Figure 19. Panel Selection Dialog Box
NOTE: Some of the panels are only available for specific node types.
Panels List
Information Panel
The following node information is displayed in this panel (see Figure 20):
DNS name (or IP address) is displayed near the “status icon”
Commercial product name
Firmware version:
Firmware revision level of the UPS or the Dell NMC card setup as power source
Nominal Apparent Power:
Device load capacity in VA
IP address:
Device IP address
Mac address:
Device MAC address
Serial Number:
Device serial number (if available)
Ty pe o f c a r d
Device location (value of syslocation object can also be configured in the Device page)
Device contact (value of syscontact object can also be configured in the Device page)
Link to device Web site (if available)
NOTE: The information displayed in this panel depends on the node types you are viewing.
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