User's Manual

Troubleshooting 69
DUP Message Logs
Logging occurs when you run a command for a DUP. The logs maintain
information about all update activities. DUPs write to the Messages log.
If you install the same package more than once on the same system, the log
is appended.
Messages Log
Messages log files reside in the following default location:
The messages log file includes the following information:
Date and time the DUP was launched
Package release ID number
The full path and filename of the support log generated by the command
Press 'q' to exit DUP
Press 'q' to continue with DUP
execution (dup dup execution).
The Linux DUP framework uses the
Linux utility, less, to display the release
notes relevant to the specific firmware
or driver release managed by the DUP.
When viewing release notes, DUP
prompts when executed with the below
--version: Press 'q' to exit
DUP (--version)
All other DUP execution: Press 'q'
to continue with DUP
(dup dup execution).
Warning: Screen widths of less
than <numeric value> can
distort the information view.
To optionally correct this, answer
<N>o to stop package execution.
Widen the terminal window to the
required size and then re-execute the
package interactively.
Table 7-1. Update Packages Message Information
Message Description/Solution