Users Guide

52 | Rad sa monitorom
Dell UltraSharp 27 Monitor
Please disconnect any USB storage device to your monitor during
the switching process (up to 12 seconds).
Are you sure you want to reset to default settings?
Kada odaberete stavke sa menija na ekranu za Factory Reset (Fabričko resetovanje) u
opciji Other (Drugo), pojavljuje se sledeća poruka:
Dell UltraSharp 24/27 Monitor
Are you sure you want to reset to default settings?
Yes No
Kada odaberete ‘Yes‘ (Da) da vratite na podrazumevana podešavanja, pojavljuje se
sledeća poruka:
Dell UltraSharp 24/27 Monitor
Easy Initial Setup:
Select ‘Yes’ to enable the following function(s):
Always on USB -C Charging
Yes No
When ‘Yes’ is select, power consumption may increase.
When ‘No’ is selected, it will comply with ENERGY STAR requirements.
Individual settings can be changed in the Menu.
Pogledajte Rešavanje problema za više informacija.