Owner's Manual

The System Logs page is displayed.
2. Click Remote Connection.
The Management Groups Connection page is displayed.
3. Select Establish a remote connection with the management group.
4. Provide the IP Address or Name, Domain\Username, Password, and Confirm Password of the host (Operations
Manager 2012 SP1) or RMS (Operations Manager 2007 R2) in the appropriate fields.
NOTE: The username must be provided in the domain\username format. You can use a period [.] to indicate
the local domain.
5. Click Apply.
SupportAssist validates the management group credentials by attempting to establish a remote connection. If the
remote connection is successful, the management group credentials are saved.
Email Connectivity Test
NOTE: The Connectivity Test link is enabled only if you are logged on as a member of either the Administrators or
Domain Admins group.
1. In SupportAssist, move the mouse pointer over the <user name> link that is displayed beside the Help link, and then
click Connectivity Test.
2. In the Connectivity Test page, click Send.
The SupportAssist server receives the connectivity test, and sends a sample email with the connectivity status to
the primary and secondary (optional) contact. If the connectivity status email is not received, see the
Troubleshooting section.
Configuring Periodic Collection Of System Logs (ProSupport Plus
To receive the full benefits of the support, reporting, and maintenance offering of your ProSupport Plus service contract,
you must configure SupportAssist to collect the system logs at periodic intervals for each supported device type.
NOTE: The Settings tab is accessible only if you are logged on as a member of either the Administrators or Domain
Admins group.
1. Click the Settings tab.
The System Logs page is displayed.
2. Click Preferences.
The Preferences page is displayed.
3. Under Support Collection, select Enable system log collection scheduling.
4. Click System Logs.
The System Logs page is displayed.
5. Under Edit Device Credentials, select the Device Type and Credential Type.
6. Under System Log Collection Schedule, set the Frequency, and select the appropriate fields in Specify day and
7. Repeat step 5 and step 6 until you have scheduled the collection of system logs for all supported device types in
your environment.
8. Click Save Changes.