Users Guide

Device grouping
The Device Groups page on the Devices tab allows you to create groups of devices based on your preference. For example,
you can create device groups that may include devices based on the following:
Device type (server, storage, or switch)
Physical location of the devices (shipping address)
The individual who manages the devices (Administrator group)
Organization or business unit (Marketing, Operations, Finance, and so on)
Alerting or notification (individuals who must be notified if an issue is detected on certain devices)
NOTE: Grouping of devices is optional. Device grouping does not have an impact on the monitoring and automatic case
creation capabilities of SupportAssist.
Creating a device group allows you to manage devices as a group. After you create a device group, you can:
Manage Devices Add or remove devices from the device group.
Manage Credentials Configure credentials for each device type included in the device group.
Manage Contacts Configure the contact information and parts dispatch information for the device group.
Edit/Delete Group Edit the device group details or delete the device group.
NOTE: You can create and manage device groups only if you are logged on as a member of the OpenManage Essentials
Administrators, Power Users, or Site Administrators group.
NOTE: The credentials, contact information, and parts dispatch information configured for a device group override the
default credentials, contact information, and parts dispatch information configured through the Settings page. For
example, if you have created a device group and configured the primary contact for the device group, all SupportAssist
notifications for issues with any device included in the device group are sent to the primary contact assigned to that device
Related references
Viewing device groups on page 30
Creating a device group on page 30
Managing devices in a device group on page 31
Managing the credentials of a device group on page 31
Viewing and updating the contact information of a device group on page 32
Editing device group details on page 33
Deleting a device group on page 33
Viewing device groups
You can view the devices groups that you have created in the Device Groups page.
To view the device groups:
1. Click Devices.
The Device Inventory page is displayed.
2. Click Groups.
The Device Groups page is displayed.
Creating a device group
You can create a device group based on your requirement. For example, you can create device groups based on the device
You can create device groups only if you are logged on as a member of the OpenManage Essentials Administrators,
Power Users, or Site Administrators group.
To create a device group:
Using Dell SupportAssist